Thursday, January 29, 2015

Q4 MAPEH (Health) - Actions for Health, weeks 5 & 6

Do Enrichment Activities – Actions for Health

p. 311 - Consider the following situations then respond to the questions that follow:
a. What can you say about each situation?
b. What would you do in these situations?
c. Using the scientific approach in problem solving with seven steps, how would you solve each of these problems stated above?
d. Why is it important to be aware of your good traits as well as your bad traits?

1.      You are shy, somewhat poor in communicating in English.
This situation is true to many Filipinos. Until I was 6 years old, I spoke mainly English at home, with my mother. From then until now, I can speak above-average English. I feel confident conversing in English, as needed, even with foreigners. However, if I were in the situation, I will strive very hard to build a strong foundation of communication in English. After I have analysed my communication situation, then I will do my best to progress. This would be my goal and I should aim to really reach for it.

2.      You have a classmate who is self-centered. He believes that he is the best in class.
All I can say is this situation is going to be hard! My initial step would be to listen to my classmate first, without making him feel that someone is high or low. Indirectly, I can make him realize that grades alone do not make a person. What is important is the joy in learning and the efforts exerted by each learner.
I will also be brave enough to open up to my classmate.
In spite of the difficulty in the situation, I think it is important to help guide my classmate so he can improve and be happier.

3.      Your cousin, a second year high school student, has no interest in his studies. He only loves to play basketball. His grades are failing.
I can identify with this situation because during my primary years in school, I was also somewhat a stubborn pupil who often played and talked. I lacked focus studying. I would tell my cousin how I was like him then and the regretful consequences I was faced with, including the shame I brought to my mother on a few occasions.
I would talk to him about basketball (which I also like to play) – why does he love the game. Is it the game itself? Or perhaps because of the friends he has in playing? Then we would talk about the benefits of learning now and especially in the future.

4.      You have a classmate who is always scolded by your teacher. The more the teacher calls his attention, the more he becomes a problem in class.
I would advise my classmate to behave – listen to and obey our teacher.

p. 319 – Think about the following situations, then respond to the questions that follow.

A.     Your friend tells you that she has insomnia for the past few days. She thinks that she needs to take sleeping pills so that she can sleep well.
1.      What might be the cause of her insomnia? She might have been used to sleeping late or she has some emotional problems that make her worry a lot.
2.      Why is taking sleeping pills a bad or risky idea? Doing so might result in terrible side effects.
3.      What might you suggest to your friend to do? Talk to her parent/s or to a mature, trusted friend. Read a good book, like the Bible, and sincerely pray to God.
4.      What are the reasons for your actions? I usually do those suggestions when I can’t sleep at night.

B.     You are at your sister’s home where she is celebrating her birthday with a party. At the dinner table, your brother mentions that he is taking barbiturates as prescribed by his doctor. You notice that he has just poured wine into his glass.
1.      What should your concerns be? That drinking wine is not good for someone who is taking barbiturate
2.      To whom would you express your concern? To our parents
3.      How would you feel if you did not say anything? I would regret so much if something bad happens to my brother.

C.     Your classmate tells you that she has problems in school. She says that she feels she can escape from these problems by using depressants.
1.      What problems will your friend encounter if she does take depressants? Her emotions would worsen and might lead her to commit suicide.
2.      What would you say to your friend? I can talk to her about a loving God whose name is Jehovah: (1 John 3:19-20) 19 By this we will know that we originate with the truth, and we will assure our hearts before him 20 regarding whatever our hearts may condemn us in, because God is greater than our hearts and knows all things.
3.      What are the reasons for your actions? Because I care for her, and God cares more for her.

p. 336 – Consider the following situations. Then, respond to the questions that follow:

A.     The father of your classmate recently had a heart attack. Your classmate tells you her father had began drinking again. She is concerned about how alcohol might be harmful to him.
1.      What suggestions would you give your classmate? I can talk to her about the effects of alcohol on health.
2.      Who do you think might be able to help your classmate? Her mother and others in the family

B.     Your friend invited you to his birthday party held in his home. Punch is served during the party. The celebrant offers you a glass of punch. You have the opportunity to drink it without anyone else knowing.
1.      Would you accept his offer? No.

2.      What are the reasons for your actions? I don’t drink punches and as a Christian Jehovah’s Witness, I don’t attend birthday parties because God does not allow that.

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