Monday, January 26, 2015

Q4 CLE - Reflections on Big Fish - FISH January 2015 issue


4 January 2015: How many times have you been like Herod who, because of pride, desire for power and the strong will to be number one, missed the opportunity to know and be saved by the Infant Jesus?

Think about it: On two occasions, I did become like Herod – so proud and egotistical. I thought then that the persons I talked to were not on the same “high” level with me. It felt “good and fun” when I started it but after some time, it wasn’t fun already because that wasn’t the real me. The real me actually wants to be a real friend of Jehovah God, who is so humble: (Psalm 138:6) 6 Though Jehovah is high, he takes note of the humble, But the haughty he knows only from a distance.

I am also a person who strives to respect everyone. I don’t want to lose my privilege, together with Jesus Christ, of serving and worshipping Jehovah.

11 January 2015: In what ways in your everyday life do you live the vows of baptism?

Think about it: In every angle of my life, I strive to do that. The vows I did in my baptism as a Christian Jehovah’s Witness helped and is helping me become a better person every day. I made the promise to God before my brothers and sisters-in-faith, my friends and my dear family.

My Christian baptism indicates that I have dedicated my life to Jehovah. In effect, I vowed to him, “I am come to do your will, O God.” Baptism is an appropriate symbol for my dedication. Being immersed in water, then raised up out of it, symbolizes my burial in my past course, and my willingness to do Jehovah’s will, as His servant, forever.

18 January 2015: If man is encouraged to have a childlike faith in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, how have you been used by God to serve as His loving messenger to a child in need?

Think about it: I teach the Bible (stories in it and teachings) to some children, as part of my ministry as a baptized Jehovah’s Witnesses. I do this mission regularly, every weekend.

25 January 2015: Do my actions encourage my peers to believe in God or shun away from the Catholic teachings as they see how I “live my faith”?

Think about it: I am not perfect but Jehovah and Jesus Christ know that I constantly strive to apply Bible principles. The struggle is very hard, but they see my efforts and sincerity to do so.

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