Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Q2 CLE - Reflections on Skit Guys episodes and parenting talk

For those who were not able to attend the HS Retreat, please do the following as your requirements for CLE:
  1) Search youtube for the video on Baggage by the Skit Guys. Make a one-page reflection paper.
  2) Search youtube for the video on God's Chisel by the Skit Guys. Make a one-page reflection paper.
  3) Go to cfaonlinemodules.com and watch the video on How to Talk so that Teens will Listen, How to Listen so that Teens will Talk. Watch it together as parent(s)-child and discuss. Make a one-page reflection paper on your insights and discussion.

My Reflections on “Baggage” by Skit Guys

We might think that some painful thoughts in us may have already left our hearts but there may be parts that are still inside us. It seemed that we can’t escape the memories of these thoughts and how people who surrounded us might have hurt us.

It was mentioned in the video, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can’t hurt me.” But the truth is, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words CAN hurt me.” I know this from experience. When I was in Grade 3, many people in the school were calling me names. I thought almost “everybody”. The teachers and my mom weren’t always around to help and comfort me against this bullying.

One case in the skit that must have been really hurtful was when the best friend of Tommy developed a crush on Tommy’s “Shelly”. What he thought was his was “stolen” by his best friend.

Another point that was driven home to me in the skit was when the father was so disappointed by his child when he lost a game. That the father was so disappointed could be understood but as a parent, he should have been supportive of his child, win or lose. It was just a game. It might have meant a lot to the father – in terms of pride and honor. But the son did his best. With just a single mistake, it is not right to make him feel unlike, disowned. Making a child feel this might lead to something that the parents might not know how to resolve in the future. Their child might have the tendency not to have an open heart towards them.

There are times when a child may seem to be too open about himself / herself. But at the bottom of his / her heart, there is still a distance between the child and the parent. This might be a certain kind of baggage that is portrayed in the skit. This kind of situation happens to many youths and families here in the Philippines.

The video skit reminds me of Psalms 55:22Throw your burden on Jehovah, and he will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to fall.”

This Bible verse is so true to me. Why? It reminds me that I have a true, best friend that is and will always be there for me. He is not just a simple friend. He is the one who created everything. He is Jehovah God. As Revelation 4:11 says, “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”

Jehovah is the Almighty God. Having Him for a friend enables me to throw my burdens in life to Him.

For some others, the cause of their suicide is that they don’t have a friend to talk to although they have thousands of friends – may be in person or online. But the burdens that they can express to these many “friends” may just be very limited.

But because my Friend is Almighty, I do not worry so much that I can burden Him with my many burdens. In fact, He encourages me to throw these to Him in prayer:
Philippians 4: 6,7: “Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.”

My Reflections on “God’s Chisel” by Skit Guys
In the video, it was mentioned that we are made in the image of God as what the Bible says:
(Genesis 1:26) Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, . . .”
And every time we commit sins, it is as if we add more weight to our body (not our literal weight but a figurative weight) or it is as if we appear deformed in the eyes of God. When we want to change, it is as if we allow God to help us remove the bad traits in us, the “excess” portions to our body.
As seen in the video, Tommy really wants to change but he can’t take the pain that is involved in removing his bad traits – which is likened to chiselling by God.
When we sin, we can turn to God who is described in the Bible as merciful. God easily forgives us but there are also consequences that may arise when he forgives us. The truth really hurts sometimes. There may be painful consequences to sins and mistakes we commit. These facts are shown in these Bible verses:
(Exodus 34:6, 7) . . .“Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth, 7 showing loyal love to thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but he will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, . . .”
(Galatians 6:7) Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap; . . .
Another point I got from the video is that some people think that God is too far from people and hence, He can’t understand them and their situation. This is what Tommy thinks, too.
But we should always remember that God made us and by His power we live. So as our Creator, He can very well read us – even our mind and heart.
(1 Chronicles 28:9) “And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul, for Jehovah searches through all hearts, and he discerns every inclination of the thoughts. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him, he will reject you forever.”
Another thing Tommy mentioned is that he sometimes views God as demanding of our sacrifices. In truth, it was really God who is so self-sacrificing:

(John 3:16) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”
Imperfect parents would do everything that they can in their power so that their child could have the best of everything. That is how God felt for His Son, too.  So, when He sent Jesus to Earth to be a ransom sacrifice for mankind, we can imagine how painful that might have been for God. To most human parents, offering their child as a sacrifice for sinful people might not be an option ever.
Thus, when God chisels our sins, we should accept the pain because it hurts God more than we do. God is the first one to get hurt when we sin and He is more hurt when we do not repent for our sin and change our ways to do His will.
As a child and servant of Jehovah God, I appreciate all these truths. True, discipline (as a result of chiselling) is painful but I keep this in mind:

(Hebrews 12:7-11) 7 You need to endure as part of your discipline. God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8 But if you have not all shared in receiving this discipline, you are really illegitimate children, and not sons. 9 Furthermore, our human fathers used to discipline us, and we gave them respect. Should we not more readily submit ourselves to the Father of our spiritual life and live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time according to what seemed good to them, but he does so for our benefit so that we may partake of his holiness. 11 True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but it is painful; yet afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
I should always remember that I am made in the image of God and to become His great artwork, I need to welcome His chiselling.

My Reflections on How to Talk so that Teens will Listen,
How to Listen so that Teens will Talk” by Aileen Santos

MANY children in the United States were asked this question: “If you were to somehow find out that your parents were going to die tomorrow, what would you most want to tell them today?” Nearly all of them said that they would not want to talk about problems or disagreements. Instead, they said that they would tell their parents: “I’m sorry” and “I love you so much.”—For Parents Only, by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa Rice.
Generally, children love their parents, and parents love their children. Even so, communication between parents and children is sometimes difficult. As a teenager, I know and experience this sometimes. Outspoken as I am, yet, there are times when I feel shy to talk to my mother.
As a single parent, I can see that she has so many things to do. She is a mother and a father rolled into one. I remember what some of our friends – mothers and fathers – told me, that is, to value my mother because what she did and is doing to me, they can’t do, even as they are already two. One of these is homeschooling me – while my mom works at her job and does household chores, and she is even very active in our spiritual ministry.

Most of my needs are met and are being fulfilled – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. My mom strives very much to apply these words in Deuteronomy 6:5-9:

5 You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength. 6 These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, 7 and you must inculcate them in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as a reminder on your hand, and they must be like a headband on your forehead. 9 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
I think I should overcome my shyness to speak to my mom. I should also think of proper timing to talk to her, considering that she also feels tired (exhausted sometimes, at her age). I should approach her when she is more relaxed, and I can do so during our Family Worship hours.
Our Family Worship is a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know one another better, as we study the Bible together. On many occasions, we pray together and also discuss the daily Bible text.
I may also need to appreciate that in our small family, our time is not spent too much in watching television or using our gadgets. My mom and I are together often – because I am homeschooled and my mom works from home. We also go on vacations regularly – at least eight - ten weeks a year – to visit our loved ones in the provinces and to engage in volunteer ministry in various places where there is greater need.
Sometimes, I fail to appreciate our blessings as a family. My mom reminds me, “Do not count what and who you do not have, rather count what and who you have and enjoy. You have lots of blessings that are not within reach of others. Practice contentment and experience joy.”
As a child, I want to always remember that my mother loves me and wants the best for me. She may even die for me, my mom would say. I am thankful to Jehovah God for my dear mother.
From my mom
After interviewing many young people, the writers of the above book For Parents Only say: “The kids’ number one most common complaint about their parents was, ‘They don’t listen.’”
Parents often say the same thing about their children.
As a parent, I learned from the video the big value of listening. I should apply and importantly, master what the Bible says:
(James 1:19) Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger
This may be difficult when I am HAT – hungry, angry and tired – so I tell Mavy to discuss things with me when I am not HAT.
I should remember, what does not seem important to me may be very important to Mavy. To be “swift about hearing” means to pay attention not only to what she says but also to how she says it. Her tone of voice, gestures and the expressions on her face can tell me a lot about how she feels.
It is also important that I ask her positive questions so I can draw her out, instead of commanding her and uttering negatives and predicting “doom”. The Bible says: “A person’s thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out.” (Proverbs 20:5)
I need to show insight when my child speaks.
Mavy is so patient with me. She gives me chances every day to improve as a mom, as her mom.

I am thankful to Jehovah God for my dear daughter.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Q2 MAPEH - PE: Mavy doing an Asian dance (Manang Biday)


Q2 AP Ekonomiks - Report sa negosyo, Human Nature

For a complete (with pictures) version of this post, please click link below. Thank you.



Pumili ng isang negosyo at aralin ang pagpapatakbo nito. Gumawa ng 5-pahinang ulat batay sa mga sumusunod na katanungan:
      Ang negosyo na akin napili ay ang Human Nature (HN) na nasa pangangasiwa ng Gandang Kalikasan, Inc. (GKI). Ang HN ay pinasimulan nina Anna Meloto-Wilk, Dylan Wilk at Camille Melota, mga volunteers ng Gawad Kalinga (http://www.gk1world.com/home). Sila ay nagnais at kumikilos na matulungang iangat ang mga Filipino mula sa kahirapan at mag-alok sa mga tao ng alternatibong mga produkto na hindi gumagamit ng nakapipinsalang mga kemikal at nakasisira sa kalikasan.
May dalawang taon na akong nagtitinda ng mga produkto ng HN, pagdating ng Enero 2015. May 2.5 na mga taon na kaming gumagamit ng nanay ko ng iba’t ibang mga produkto ng HN. Dahil natuwa kami sa resulta ng aming paggamit kung kaya naisipan ng nanay ko na magrehistro bilang dealer. Iyon ay dahil wala pa ako sa major na edad para magrehistro. Pero katulong ako ng nanay ko sa pagni-negosyo ng HN.

1.      Ano o anu-ano ang produkto ng iyong napiling negosyo?
Iba’t ibang mga produkto para sa:
·         body care
·         face care
·         hair care
·         home care
·         kids care
·         lip care
·         men’s care
·         mineral makeup
·         natural baby care
·         pet care
·         protective care
·         skin care
·         wellness

- Ang produkto ba ay isang pangangailangan o hindi? (Need or want?) Bakit?

Maaaring ang mga produktong ito ng HN ay parehong para sa pangangailangan at sa kagustuhan. Halimbawa, para sa isang babae – dalaga man o may-asawa – ang mga uri ng produktong nabanggit sa itaas ay parehong gusto at kailangan niya.

-    Paano nila ito ginagawa? Ang produkto ba o ang mga sangkap nito ay gawa rito sa ating bansa o inaangkat pa? Kung maaari ay sabihin kung anu-ano ang mga sangkap at proseso sa paggawa nito. Kinakailangan ba ng maraming empleyado sa paggawa ng produkto?

Ginagawa ng aming kompanya ang aming mga produkto sa pamamagitan ng mga factories ng GKI. na nakakalat sa buong Pilipinas. Sa mga factories na ito nagtatrabaho ang libu-libong mga tao, lalaki at babae – katulad ng mga magsasaka o hardinero, mananahi, propesyunal, at maraming iba pa.
Karamihan o majority ng mga sangkap na ginagimit sa paggawa ng mga produkto ay galing sa iba’t ibang mga lugar (pataniman) sa Pilipinas.
   Ang mga sangkap na ginagamit ay 100% natural o likas; nagmula sa iba’t ibang mga bahagi ng halaman, kabilang na sa mga prutas nito.

Get to know the chemical ingredients to avoid in your everyday products. Their effects go deeper and last longer than you think.

SLS/SLES (sodium lauryl sulfate / sodium laureth sulfate), ALS/ALES (ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate)
Damages skin allowing ready penetration of carcinogens
Sodium cocoyl isethionate (coconut oil derived), decyl glucoside (coconut derived)
parabens, BHA/BHT, DMDM hydantoin, phenoxyethanol, TEA (triethanolamine)
May cause cancer & tumors, weakens, immune system, allergenic & irritant, premature ageing
rosemary essential oil, gluconolactone (from corn), glyceryl caprylate (coco, palm and glycerin derived)
Mineral oil, dimethicone, petrolatum, paraffin
Coats skin like plastic & clogs pores, slows down skin function & cell development, speeds up skin ageing
Cocoa butter, virgin coconut oil, sunflower oil, avocado oil, passion fruit oil, castor oil
Synthetic parfum, phthalates
Damage to liver & reproductive organs
Essential oils, natural fragrance oils
Endocrinal and reproductive malfunctions
Acapulco extract, sugarcane alcohol, chitosan
Lake dyes, FD&C colors, carmine (a natural colorant in lipsticks but made from crushed cochineal insects)
Neurotoxic, possible carcinogen
Mineral oxides
DEA (diethanolamine)
Affects hormones
Stearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol (all vegetable derived)
Propylene glycol
Damage to liver and kidney
Vegetable glycerin, water
Promotes degenerative diseases, congenital diseases
Citronella, lemongrass, lavender and rosemary essential oils

-    Anu-ano ang mga salik sa lipunan na maaaring makaapekto sa paggawa ng produkto?
Malakas ang kompetisyon sa mga uri ng produkto ng HN – mula sa malalaking mga multinational companies na may ginagastusang mga advertisements at endorsements ng mga sikat na mga celebrities.
   Gayundin dahil ang HN ay “pro-poor and pro-environment”, kailangan na isaalang-alang ang mga salik na ito.

2.      Sino ang kanilang target costumer?

-    Anong antas ng lipunan nabibilang ang mga mamimili ng produkto (upper class, middle class, lower class)? Paano mo nasabi ito?

Ang mga mamimili ng aming mga produkto ay maaaring magmula sa upper class at middle class. Nasabi koi to sapagkat ang mga presyo ng HN produkto ay mas mahal sa mga counterparts nito na karaniwan ng itinitinda sa mga palengke, grocery at sari-sari store.
Kalimitan ding ang mga nasa estadong ito ng mga tao ang may kabatiran sa mga adbokasiyang isinusulong ng GKI.

-    Anong edad ang target costumer ng negosyo? Bakit mo nasabi ito?

Ang mga edad na target ng maraming mga produkto ng HN ay mula sa mga bata hanggang sa mga matatanda. Tingnan ang listahan ng mga uri ng produkto sa itaas (no. 1).

3.   Advertisement
 - Paano nila inaanunsyo o pinapaalam sa mga tao ang kanilang produkto? Sa pamamagitan ng:
- Internet website (humanheartnature.com)
- mga magalogues na ina-update kada dalawang buwan
- mga endorsements ng mga kilalang tao na inilalabas sa mga glossy magazines
- tarpaulin sa lugar ng mga certified dealers

- Ilang mamimili ang gusto nilang maabot? O sinu-sino ang kanilang kasalukuyang mga
  mamimili at sinu-sino pa o saang lugar pa ang gusto nilang maabot?

     Hangga’t maaari, nais ng GKI na mas malawak pang mga estado (class) ng mga mamimili ang kanilang maabot sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng mundo. Kaya patuloy ang paggawa ng mga bagong produkto at pag-improve sa mga umiiral na na mga produkto para magustuhan ng mas marami pang mga mamimili.
     Ayon sa kanilang website, nagkaroon na ang GKI ng partnership at branch sa United Arab Emirates. May mga branches na rin sila sa United States of America.

4.   Paano pinaparating ang produkto sa mga mamimili?

-    Anu-ano ang proseso sa pagdadala ng produkto sa mamimili? Sinu-sino ang mga taong kailangan sa prosesong ito? Anu-anong establisyimento, kung meron, ang kailangan upang makarating ang produkto sa mga mamimili?

Mabibili ang HN na mga produkto sa mga malls, lalo na sa mga stalls na nagtitinda ng natural na mga produkto. May mga dealers din na niri-recruit. Ako ay isa sa mga dealers ng HN – magda-2 taon na sa Enero 2015.
Paano ako nagdi-deal? Nag-aalok ako sa mga kapitbahay, kaibigan, kamag-anak at iba pang tao. Gumagamit din kami ni Mama ng mga HN produkto at nakaka-discount kami buwan-buwan dahil dealer ako (pero sa pangalan ng Mama ko).
Para naman sa internasyonal na mga order kung saan walang HN branch sa lugar ng costumer, nagpapadala ang HN sa pamamagitan ng FedEx o iba pang courier companies. Maaari ring mag-order sa pamamagitan ng humanheartnature.com

5.    Ano ang iyong masasabi tungkol sa negosyong ito?

-          Nagustuhan mo ba ang negosyong ito? Bakit?
-          Anu-anong mga ginagawa ng kumpanya ang nagustuhan mo? Bakit?
-          Anong mga balakid o hamon ang iyong nakita na kinakaharap ng negosyo? Ano sa tingin mo ang (mga) solusyon dito?
-          Kung ikaw ang nagpapatakbo sa negosyo, anu-anong mga pagbabago ang gagawin mo sa produksyon, pag-aanunsyo at distribusyon?

Opo, nagustuhan ko ang negosyong ito kaya nga ako nagpasuporta sa Mama ko na tulungan akong maging isang HN dealer. Bukod sa kumikita na ako para sa isa ko pang investment ay nakatutulong din ako sa kapwa ko at sa kalikasan.
Sa pagbibenta ko ng aming mga produkto alam kong bahagi ng kita ng kompanya ay nakatutulong sa paggawa ng mga bahay, pagbibigay ng hanapbuhay sa mga Filipino at pagpapabuti ng kapaligiran. Ito ang tinatawag na corporate social responsibility.
Isa po sa mga balakid ng pagni-negosyo ko ng HN produkto ay ang maraming ka-kompetisyon na mga brands – na inaanunsiyo sa trimedia (TV, radio, print) at sa internet din. Mas malalaking mga celebrities ang nag-i-endorse ng mga yaon.
Para malutas ang balakid na ito, sinasabi ko sa mga kostumer ang “mission, vision and values” ng GKI at namamangha rin sila. Gusto rin nilang tumulong sa tao at sa kalikasan. Gusto na rin nilang subukan ang natural na mga produkto ng HN. At nagugustuhan naman nila kaya patuloy silang nag-oorder sa akin.
Gusto ko pang magkaroon ng mas maraming downline dealers na tutulong sa akin para mapalaganap pa ang mga HN produkto at ang mga adhikain ng kompanya. Balak kong maabot ang tunguhing ito sa darating na mga panahon.

Being faithful stewards of our God-given talents and natural resources, we will give the best of ourselves to urgently and sustainably build a global company which will showcase the best of the Philippines and uplift all our people, especially the poor through providing affordable, quality, natural products.

We will be the gold standard of a globally successful enterprise with a heart that will embolden all businesses to better serve society.

Pro-Philippines: we work in the best interests of our country
Pro-Poor: we prioritize the needs of those who need them most

Pro-Environment: we act responsibly

Heart of a Hero: we are self-sacrificing and committed to the cause

Constant Innovation: we keep moving forward

Personal Integrity: we uphold the truth and honor our commitments

World-Class Excellence: we strive to be the best

Bayanihan: we promote a culture of collaboration and mutual support

Quality of life for all: we work well, we live well

Stewardship: we develop our gifts, people and environment
Compassion: we care

Generous extra income doing something that you know is helping the country, helping the environment and helping the poor, to bring the best genuinely natural products to your neighborhood and be able to get discounts for your family and friends.