Thursday, December 11, 2014

Q3 MAPEH Music - Indonesian songs

Report: Comparison between Indonesian an Filipino songs

Aku Seorang Kapiten (I am a Captain)
 Aku seorang Kapiten 
Mempunyai pedang panjang
Kalau berjalan tek tek tek
Aku seorang kapiten ... ten ten ten

I am a Captain,
I have a long sword
If I am walking, tak tak tak
I am a Captain ... tain tain tain

Burung Kakatua (The Cockatoo)
Burung kakatua 
hinggap di jendela
nenek sudah tua
giginya tinggal dua

Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
burung kakatua
Giginya tinggal dua
Nenek sudah tua
Hinggap di jendela
Seperti kakatua!
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
burung kakatua

The cockatoo
Sits on the window sill
My grandmother is already old
And she only has two teeth!!!
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
The cockatoo
She only has two teeth left
Grandma is already old
She sits on the window sill
Like the cockatoo!
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
The cockatoo

Kepala, Pundak, Lutut, Kaki
(Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki,
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki
Daun t'linga, mata, hidung dan pipi
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Nina Bobo (Go to Sleep, Nina)
 Nina bobo 
oh, nina bobo
Kalau tidak bobo
digigit nyamuk
boboklah bobo
adikku sayang
kalau tidak bobo
digigit nyamuk

Go to sleep, Nina
Oh, go to sleep Nina
If you don't sleep
The mosquito will bite
Sleep, go to sleep
My beloved sibling
If you don't sleep
The mosquito will bite

Indonesian music is not too different from Filipino music. Music from both countries are close to heart – such as the children’s songs above – and those which take up love in different forms and those regarding nature. The children’s songs above in English were those which I grew up singing, too.

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