Monday, September 15, 2014

Q2 TLE Practical activities p40 book

Practical activities

1. Demonstrate in class the different styles of table service.

2. Demonstrate in class the different napkin techniques.

- Mavy Sadorra

Q1 CLE exams Reflection paper on Talk no. 3 (13 August 2014)

Q1 Exams – Reflection paper on CLE Talk No. 3 on 13 August 2014

“Making the right decisions and surrendering to our Creator”

In my youth, I’ve been making decisions affecting various aspects of my life. Most of my decision-making has been done and is being done with the help of my mother. We both consult Jehovah God through His written Word, the Holy Bible. What would He think about our decision? How would He feel about it? These are important questions to consider in my decision-making because I love Jehovah and I care about how He would feel about me and my decisions.

Some people think that God doesn’t hear and answer prayers of humans. But in the Bible, we can read one of His many titles: (Psalm 65:2) 2 O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come.

Yes, sometimes Jehovah delays His answers because He knows that your decision-making needs time and patience. 

I know this from experience. One time, I made a decision to serve God more in a certain privilege but I was advised to have a waiting attitude: (Micah 7:7) But as for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.

So I have to let go of the privilege for the meantime until such time that I would qualify.

The Bible states: (Matthew 22:37) …‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’

This is one of the principles that I keep in mind when making decisions. There are many reasons I love Jehovah:
*      He is our Creator and our Provider (Acts 17:28).
*      He has made possible the removal of sin and death that we inherited from Adam (Romans 5:12).
*      He gives hope that fills us with joy and peace (Romans 15:13), including the heartwarming resurrection hope (Acts 24:15).
*      He really cares for us (Psalms 34:18; 1 Peter 5:6, 7).
*      He has favored us with the priceless privilege of serving as His Witness (Isaiah 43:10-12).

In return I can show my love to Jehovah by:
*      Diligently studying and applying His Word (Psalms 119:105).
*      Praying to Him regularly (Psalms 65:2).
*      Attending Christian meetings, assemblies and conventions (Hebrews 10:24, 25).
*      Zealously sharing the truth of the “good news” with others (Galatians 2:5).

*      Showing appreciation for His arrangement for shepherding His flock (Acts 20:28)

Q1 CLE Big Fish section August 2014

Read and make a reflection paper on BIG FISH section – August volume.

3 August 2014

Think about it

How much does God love you? Where is He in your life as you fulfill your dreams?

My reflections: The fact (as the Bible said) that Jehovah God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem me from the Adamic sin shows that He loves me and His human creation very much.
(John 3:16) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”

Jehovah is in every angle and aspect of my life. He is the axis and on top of my life.

Going fishing

Reflect on the words “To God be the glory”

My reflections: That phrase, to me, means that all my achievements and accomplishments are because God helped me through His holy spirit and His holy word. And so I offer back to Him all those, to His glory.

10 August 2014

Think about it

It is a lot easier to acknowledge God in the happy and calm moments of our life. But do we still recognize Him when we start to face the storms and challenges in life?

My reflections: I learned from the Bible that the storms and challenges in life do not come from God. He only allows these to happen.
(James 1:13-15) 13 When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone. 14 But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives 
birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death.

When in trial, I recognize that I can’t face and overcome this on my own. So I always request the Almighty to help me out.
(Isaiah 33:2) O Jehovah, show us favor. Our hope is in you. Become our arm every morning, Yes, our salvation in the time of distress.

Going fishing

Recount the many instances in your life when you thought there was no hand to lift you up, then the Lord suddenly extended His and helped you pull through.

My reflections: I can recall two instances. The most recent was when I took my achievement tests in Seibo College in March 2014, and it took some while and several retakes for me to pass these tests. The other one was when my schoolmates (in JASMS) bullied me – cyber, physical and verbal – during my grades 4-6 years.
With the help of God-appointed authorities – my mother, my teachers and a fatherly elder in our congregation – I felt the hand of Jehovah helping me, pulling me through. I am very thankful for His help and guidance.

17 August 2014

Think about it

How many times has the Lord seemingly refused to answer our prayers? How did we respond in this “delay” of God’s promise?

My reflections: I felt this feeling twice already. I just accepted the “delay” and waited for God’s time.
(Micah 7:7) 7 But as for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.

Going fishing

Be a friend to someone who has lost hope in the Lord. Share how the Lord has remained faithful despite His seeming silence and neglect.

My reflections:  During times of trial here on earth, Jesus remained faithful to Jehovah. Even though he was a perfect human then, he was tempted by Satan many times and by the scheming religious leaders at that time (like the Pharisees and the Sadducees). At times, Jesus proved his moral strength and faith by remaining silent and honorable. My point is silence can be a sign of strength and faithfulness, too, on some occasions. I can share this point to a friend who might have temporarily lost hope in God.

24 August 2014

Think about it

If my time comes and I am face to face with Jesus, what will my response be if asked, “Who do you say that I am?”

My reflections: Jehovah sees me as His child and His servant, also as a “light bearer” of the good news of His Kingdom.

Going fishing

How have I lived my Catholic faith? Will people I meet readily recognize that I am a child of God by how I think, how I speak and how I do things?

My reflections: I am not a Catholic. I am a dedicated and baptized Christian Witness of Jehovah. God uses me to preach to and teach other people about Him and His Word, the Holy Bible. Through study of the Bible – personal, with my family and in the congregation and bigger assemblies – I strive very hard to apply His principles and commandments (to love Him fully and to love my neighbor as myself). I really want Jehovah to be pleased with me.

31 August 2014

Think about it

What does the “Passion and Death of Christ” mean to me? Do I still observe fasting and abstinence during Good Friday?

My reflections: I think more about the real meaning of Jesus’ death – as a ransom for the redemption of mankind from the Adamic sin and death. By means of the ransom, we gain the forgiveness of our sins, a clean conscience and the hope of everlasting life (1 John 1: 8, 9). I can show my appreciation for the ransom by getting to know more about the provider of the ransom, Jehovah God, by exercising faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, and by attending the Lord’s Evening Meal (which Jehovah’s Witnesses annually hold on a date between March 15 and April 15, to coincide exactly with the actual Jewish date of Jesus’ death on Nisan 14).

Going fishing

In what ways have I served the Lord? How has my body been a living sacrifice? Is it pure and pleasing to God?

My reflections: I have been serving Jehovah God for many years, by preaching about the good news of His Kingdom in many places and to various people. I also try my best, with God’s help and mercy, to apply what I learn from the Bible.

Q1 CLE Big Fish section July 2014

Read and make a reflection paper on BIG FISH section – July volume.

6 July 2014

Think about it

Traveling abroad, relaxing in a spa, taking a nap – these are just some of the ways one can de-stress. But have you tried talking to God? Have you tried lifting up all your worries to Him? Have you tried crying on the Best Shoulder one could ever try on?

My reflections: Yes, I often talk to Jehovah God in prayer – personal, family (with my mother), with my brothers and sisters-in-faith in the congregation, and with people to whom we conduct bible study, in our ministry. I sometimes cry to Jehovah when my pressures are too much. I pray to him when I’m alone or even when I’m in a crowd. Truly, Jehovah is the …
(Psalm 65:2) “O Hearer of prayer, to you people of all sorts will come.”

Going fishing

Talk to God. Tell Him all your heart’s desires. Lift up all your worries. Surrender everything you feel. And experience His divine presence.

My prayer-reflections:
Dear Jehovah,
Thank you for everything that You give me – life, my family, my friends, protection, Your holy spirit and the many things that keep me alive and happy.
Please also forgive me for mistakes and sins I commit due to imperfection.
I offer You this simple prayer in the name of Your son, Jesus. Amen.

13 July 2014

Think about it

Which type of “soil” represents your heart?

My reflections: I think I am the clay and bedrock type. I can be as soft as clay – which means I can be a person who is easy to deal with and who can listen. But sometimes I can be a bedrock, too, because there are times that as a single child, I feel all alone when I face certain problems. I know I need to communicate more and better – with my mother, with mature and well-meaning friends and relatives, and in prayer, to Jehovah God.

Going fishing

Man falls. Man stumbles. Man is not perfect. But let not these imperfections stop you from having a good heart. Remember, the Lord is just patiently waiting, listening and extending His hand for you to hold.

My reflections:  These passages are true. Every human is not perfect – as each inherited imperfection from Adam. Each person is also given free will by God. Thus, one can choose to use his/her imperfection for the worse or to raise him/herself up from being sinful.
I strive to raise myself up whenever I fall, with the help of my family, friends and elders in our congregation. The main reason is because I don’t want Jehovah God to be sad. I want him to be my friend, to be happy with me. I want to follow His invitation:
(Proverbs 27:11) “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice,
So that I can make a reply to him who taunts me.”

20 July 2014

Think about it

Most of us fear the end of the world. We tremble whenever we hear news about war and natural disasters. We think that God will come down and separate good from the bad. A person on his deathbed goes through his own end of the world.

My reflections: Yes, I sometimes feel fear when we I hear of such news as I feel sorry and pity for those affected. My mother and I extend material help to them at times. We also pray for them to be strong and to continue to hope.
I also think of how those events might affect us if they directly happen to us. However, I also read in the Bible that such events are a mark of what is called “the last days”.
(Matthew 24:3-8, 12-14) 3 While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” 4 In answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you, 5 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. 6 You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. 7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress… 12 and because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold. 13 But the one who has endured to the end will be saved. 14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Going fishing

Today is the best day to change and be a better person. Who knows? Tomorrow might never come.

My reflections: We might not know what the future brings. So now is the time to do and make things right because who knows what will happen to us for tomorrow. I should find time to change myself for the better / positively – each day. The change should include my attitudes, principles, thoughts, actions / behavior, and speech.

27 July 2014

Think about it

What peace and happiness the world will have if the “treasures” and “fine pearls” of all leaders is the good of mankind. What peace and happiness the country will have if the government officials value sincere public service. What peace and happiness will we have if we do good for the sake of doing good.

My reflections: True peace and happiness on a global scale will only come from the heavenly government, the Kingdom of God. In the near future, it will replace all other governments and will cause God’s will to be done in heaven and on earth. It will unite everyone living on earth. — Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14.
This is my Bible-based hope for the future.

Going fishing

Find God in the treasures and fine pearls of your life.

My reflections: In the Bible, Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to finding a fine pearl.
(Matthew 13:45, 46) 45 “Again the Kingdom of the heavens is like a traveling merchant seeking fine pearls. 46 Upon finding one pearl of high value, he went away and promptly sold all the things he had and bought it.

I participate as fully as I can in preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom with my congregation. I spend at least 50 hours a month doing this ministry, with my mother – in different areas (urban and rural) and in various manners, such as going from house to house, conducting bible studies with individuals, witnessing in public places, among others. I feel blessed being used by Jehovah to preach about His kingdom.

Q1 MAPEH Health - Interview with community doctors

Activity: Interview a community doctor in your area. Answer the following questions (you can opt to expound):
  • How does the community take care of the health of its residents?
  • What are the available services?
How can you help as a member of the community?

When I went to a community health center / clinic near our area, I was told by the lady doctor there that I needed to go to City Hall first to request for approval before I can interview her.
Since this will entail additional work and much time, my mother suggested that we approach her friend who is a nurse-supervisor in the Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital – a maternal and newborn tertiary hospital found in Sta. Cruz, Manila.
The nurse said we can prepare the question / interview forms and give these to her. She will give these to community doctors who go to Fabella Hospital. After a week, we can return to get the forms. Below is how the forms look like:
8 July 2014
Dear Dr. ________________
        Kindly help me accomplish this written interview for our Health (MAPEH) subject in school. Thank you very much for your help.
Truly yours,
Mavorneen Ruth (Mavy) Sadorra
Student – Grade 9
Catholic Filipino Academy – Barcelona Academy
Name of community doctor: _______________________________________________________________
Barangay no., district and address: __________________________________________________________
How does the community health center take care of the health of its residents?
What are the available services?
Does the health center provide home service treatment and sickness prevention? What are these provisions?
When I received the accomplished forms, my mom and I were pleasantly surprised to know that the two community doctors who answered the forms were from faraway places and who actually worked in rural health units. They were in the Fabella Hospital for some reason the week we made our request to my mom’s friend.
  1. Dr. Brenan Ian DC Capuno, MD, MPM – Concepcion Rural Health Unit, Concepcion, Romblon
How does the community health center take care of the health of its residents?
The community health center provides preventive and primary level of care in the community. It provides health services that focus on the promotion of basic health care.

What are the available services?
·         basic laboratory services
·         control and treatment of infectious diseases and noncommunicable diseases
·         dental health services
·         disease surveillance
·         environmental health and sanitation
·         family planning
·         immunization and vitamin and nutrient supplementation
·         maternal and child health care
·         minor surgical procedures
·         pre-marriage counselling
·         promotion of healthy lifestyle

Does the health center provide home service treatment and sickness prevention? What are these provisions?
Yes, the health center provides home service treatment and sickness prevention. Sickness prevention focuses on the promotion of health education and healthy lifestyle. Home service treatment is provided through the barangay health workers and midwives and through barangay consultations of public health nurses and physicians.

  1. Rosalyn Panao, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology – Municipality of Tubo, Abra
How does the community health center take care of the health of its residents?
By implementing the different Department of Health programs for primary health care services such as provision of preventive care on the:
·         control of communicable and noncommunicable diseases
·         environmental sanitation
·         expanded program on immunization
·         family planning
·         implementation of the national tuberculosis (TB) control program
·         leprosy control
·         maternal and child health nutrition

What are the available services?
·         dental services
·         normal birth / vaginal delivery (prenatal and postnatal)
·         immunization for children
·         family planning and reproductive health
·         daily consultation for sick adults and children

Does the health center provide home service treatment and sickness prevention? What are these provisions?
Yes, we do have home visits to patients or cases that need follow-ups and for those who failed to do follow-up checkups in the clinic like TB and leprosy cases. We refer patients that need second-level of care for diagnostics or surgery.

OWN RESPONSE: How can you help as a member of the community?

  • By keeping our surroundings clean – such as drainage and yard
  • By propagating plants that are environment-friendly – such as citronella, lemongrass and neem tree – to help reduce mosquito population, esp. that causes dengue
  • By making sure possible breeding places of insects (esp. those that cause epidemics and illnesses) are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized
  • By helping disseminate proper and correct information about communicable and noncommunicable illnesses
  • By practicing the three Rs in garbage disposal – reduce, re-use and recycle

Q1 MAPEH Arts Wed activity: painting